- Reserved area
- boot sector
- optional file system information sector (FAT-32)
- FATs
- number of copies is specified in boot sector
- Data area
- a root directory
FAT-12 & FAT-16 has fixed root dir size, while it's customizable in FAT-32. - data clusters
Boot sector
Bytes/Addr | Purpose |
0-2/ 0x00-0x02 | Assembly code instructions to jump to boot code (mandatory in bootable partition) |
3-10 0x03-0x0A | OEM name in ASCII |
11-12/ 0x0B-0x0C | Bytes per sector (512, 1024, 2048, or 4096) |
13/ 0x0D | Sectors per cluster (Must be a power of 2 and cluster size must be <=32 KB) |
14-15/ 0x0E-0x0F | Size of reserved area, in sectors |
16/ 0x10 | Number of FATs (usually 2) |
17-18/ 0x11-0x12 | Maximum number of files in the root directory (FAT12/16; 0 for FAT32) |
19-20/ 0x13-0x14 | Number of sectors in the file system; if 2 B is not large enough, set to 0 and use 4 B value in bytes 32-35 below |
21/ 0x15 | Media type (0xf0=removable disk, 0xf8=fixed disk) |
22-23/ 0x16-0x17 | Size of each FAT, in sectors, for FAT12/16; 0 for FAT32 |
24-25/ 0x18-0x19 | Sectors per track in storage device |
26-27/ 0x1A-0x1B | Number of heads in storage device |
28-31/ 0x1C-0x1F | Number of sectors before the start partition |
32-35/ 0x20-0x23 | Number of sectors in the file system; this field will be 0 if the 2B field above (bytes 19-20) is non-zero |
while for our case,
screenshot of hexedit
00-02: eb 3c 90 Instructions to jump to boot code
03-0a: 6d 6B 64 6f 73 66 73 00
Name string (mkdosfs.)
0b-0c: 00 02 Bytes/sector (0x0200 = 512)
0d : 20 Sectors/cluster (20)
0e-0f: 20 00 Size of reserved area (20 sector)
10 : 02 Number of FATs (2)
11-12: 00 02 Max. number of root directory entries (0x0200 = 512)
13-14: 00 00 Total number of sectors (value equal to 0, check value in 0x20-0x23)
15 : F8 Media type (fixed disk)
16-17: 00 01 FAT size (0x0100 = 256 sectors)
18-19: 3F 00 Sectors/track (0x003F = 63)
1a-1b: FF 00 Number of heads (0x00FF = 255)
1c-1f: 00 00 00 00 Number of sector before partition (0)
20-23: 00 F8 1F 00 Total number of sectors (0xF800001F = 4160749599)??
24 : 00 Drive number (0)
25 : 00 Unused
26 : 29 Extended boot signature
27-2a: F5 7E 18 E5 Volume serial number (.~..)
2b-35: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Volume label (" ")
36-3d: 46 41 54 31 36 20 20 20
File system type label ("FAT16 ")
3e-1fd : [snip] Not used
1fe-1ff: 55 aa Signature value (0xaa55)
to be continue....
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